Showing 8 Result(s)

Understanding Lymphedema Management: A Guide for Patients

The use of intermittent pneumatic compression devices for the treatment of lymphedema has been a point of contention for some time. The lymphatic therapist would have to demonstrate failure in their ability to treat lymphedema before they could prescribe therapy devices. However, there has been a recent change that has made it possible for the therapist to prescribe devices without having to demonstrate failure. This is a huge step forward in the treatment of lymphedema, as it will make it much easier for therapists to treat their patients.

Girl Punching/ Kelly Motley on In the Rising Podcast

Improving Quality of Life through Boxing: A Conversation with Breast Cancer Survivor Kelly Motley

Kelly Motley, the author of The Fight for My Life: Boxing through Chemo, shared her story with me on In the Rising Podcast. Kelly shared that she was blind-sighted by the cancer diagnosis and would wake up some mornings at 3 am feeling desperate and hopeless. But, she had the opportunity to work with a world-class boxer and learned more about the mental effects of practicing martial arts.

Reclaim your body with tattoos after breast cancer | Bettina M Brown Physical Therapist

The Incredible Connection between Tattoos and Breast Cancer Recovery

Tattoos are permanent markings that have been around for centuries. These designs were created as a form of expression, for religious purposes, status symbol statements, permanent cosmetics, or a rite of passage. More recently, they have also found their way into the medical arena, helping women with breast cancer recovery goals. Tattoos history in culture …
